Do you have concerns about food hygiene management?

Having no budget for large large-scale systems & no place to install

Having no budget for large large-scale
systems & no place to install

Looking for a simple tool that any worker can use

Looking for a simple tool that
any worker can use

Looking for a safe & effective way to sanitize foods & utensils

Looking for a safe & effective way
to sanitize foods & utensils

Compact and affordable

Easy to install even in small kitchens

A sophisticated and compact design allows installation in visible locations from outside. Easy to use and manage even in small spaces.

A sophisticated and compact design allows installation in visible locations from outside. Easy to use and manage even in small spaces.

Main unit size: 142 × 80 × 288 mm

SS-180 main unit and HCl bottle or HCl bottle box (1kg) can be installed separately in any location. They can be used either wall-mounted or on top of any surface.

SS-180 and HCl bottle can be installed separately. Perfect for small spaces.

SS-180 and HCl bottle can be installed
separately. Perfect for small spaces.

Can be used either wall-mounted or on top of any surface.

Can be used either wall-mounted or on top of
any surface.

SS-180 and HCl bottle box can be installed on either the right or left side.

SS-180 and HCl bottle box (1kg) can be
installed on either the right or left side.

No dilution adjustments needed

Anyone can easily do uniform work

Just place your hand over the main body sensor and use showering water. A simple and unified way to sanitize objects as rinsing water will lead to work efficiency.

A simple and unified way to sanitize objects as rinsing water will lead to work efficiency.

Friendly to human and environment

Safely sanitize foods and utensils

Generated water from SS-180 is designated as a food additive in Japan. It has almost no chlorine smell and has little effect on food quality. It can apply not only to fresh vegetables but also to hands, utensils, dishes, floors, etc.

Sanitizing effect on lettuce directly after washing
Sanitizing effect on lettuce after storage for 6 days at 5℃

Sanitizing effect on individual foods (viable bacteria count) Unit : cfu/g

Washing with water Sodium Hypochlorite Sanistar Water
Strawberries 3.2 x 102 7.8 x 102 < 10
Lettuces 2.4 x 102 < 10 < 10
Mackerel Fish 5.0 x 10 1.0 x 10 < 10
Red Shrimp < 10 2.0 x 10 < 10

*Research by SARAYA

Sanitizing with sodium hypochlorite leaves a slight chlorine smell and can affect the quality of vegetables if rinsing is not sufficient. Sanistar Water on the other hand has little chlorine smell, does not affect vegetable quality and slows browning while keeping the original crispness.